France Switch
To memorize

  Free registration Jiwix Media Center Premium
Sharing function yes yes
Albums and photo slideshow yes yes
Full HD 1080 video player yes yes
Multi-resolution streaming yes yes
Music and playlist audio yes yes
Management of all types of media yes yes
Maximum size per file 10 GB 10 GB
Backup function no (expiration 30 days) yes
100 GB of sharing
€ 1.99 per Month: 100 GB of storage
15000 shares limited to 150 GB

€ 3.99 per Month: 200 GB of storage
25000 shares limited to 200 GB

9,99 € per Month: 1 TB of storage
50000 shares limited to 250 GB

Jiwix ™ Offers; companies

99,99 € per Month: 1 TB of storage
1000000 shares limited to 1 TB

499,99 € per Month: 5 TB storage
5000000 shares limited to 5TB

999,99 € per Month: 10 TB of storage
10000000 shares limited to 10 TB

Contact us for superior capabilities
Activation fee € 9.99 (only the first year)


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Official time at the head office of Jiwix : 27-Jul-2024 07:04:35 (GMT +1)

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